
Quick Start for Nacos

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Quick Start for Nacos

This topic is about how to set up and use Nacos.

0.Choose Version

You can see the introduction of each version at release notesopen in new window or blogopen in new window, the current recommended version is 2.0.3.


Before you begin, install the following:

  1. 64bit OS: Linux/Unix/Mac/Windows supported, Linux/Unix/Mac recommended.
  2. 64bit JDK 1.8+: downloadsopen in new window, JAVA_HOME settingsopen in new window.
  3. Maven 3.2.x+: downloadsopen in new window, settingsopen in new window.

2.Download & Build from Release

There are two ways to get Nacos.

1)Download source code from Github

git clone https://github.com/alibaba/nacos.git
cd nacos/
mvn -Prelease-nacos -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install -U 
ls -al distribution/target/
// change the $version to your actual path
cd distribution/target/nacos-server-$version/nacos/bin

2)Download run package

Select the latest stable version from https://github.com/alibaba/nacos/releasesopen in new window

  unzip nacos-server-$version.zip  OR tar -xvf nacos-server-$version.tar.gz
  cd nacos/bin

3.Start Server


Run the following command to start(standalone means non-cluster mode):

sh startup.sh -m standalone

If you are using a ubuntu system, or encounter this error message [[symbol not found, try running as follows:

bash startup.sh -m standalone


Run the following command to start(standalone means non-cluster mode):

cmd startup.cmd -m standalone

4.Service & Configuration Management

Service registration

curl -X POST ''

Service discovery

curl -X GET ''

Publish config

curl -X POST ""

Get config

curl -X GET ""

5.Shutdown Servers


sh shutdown.sh


cmd shutdown.cmd

Or click the shutdown.cmd file operation.

Debug 方式


https://blog.csdn.net/XinTeng2012/article/details/106572244open in new window

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